A New Year is finally here...and with it comes the Covid-19 Vaccine. We thought this moment would never arrive, but here we are! The vaccine rollout is underway, and our fingers are crossed with hopes the pandemic will soon be behind us.
But -- what if you're traveling for work? Will you be able to get the vaccine? Do you have to get it in the US or can you receive it while traveling abroad?
The good news is the majority of health insurance plans cover the Covid Vaccine for the duration of the public health emergency. It's important to understand the details of your health insurance plans and what is covered, and that's where we come in! We can help explain the specifics.
Currently, there are no vaccination requirements for US residents traveling abroad or for visitors traveling to the United States. It's recommended for US citizens to follow host country developments and guidelines for Covid-19 vaccination. Some countries require vaccine passports or "health passports" intended for international travel. Others may require proof of a negative covid test. It's important to do your research about the city or international town you are traveling to.
Health experts recommend receiving the vaccine if possible before you leave for travels, however, if that isn't an option, we can help you determine the aspects of the vaccination process in your visiting town.